Introducing Children to Photography

When I was about 10 years old, I was lucky enough to get into a photography course. I learned about composition, exposure, camera settings, and processing photos in a dark room. I found it all very exciting.

I believe learning the basics can allow anyone to take great photos. That’s why I try to pass on my knowledge to children. Children, not yet influenced by what adults might think, have the ability to see unconstrained. Whether it’s the angle, how they look at an object, take in their surroundings, or how they capture an emotion. My children have become my photographers. If you ever watch my Instagram feed, you may see many of my outfit photos. 99% of these are taken by my kids! And they are only 6 and 4 years old! My daughter has her own camera and takes amazing photos. The photos might be mostly her pets or toys but all are priceless. So how do you teach children how to take photos? Luckily, these days, mobile phones, tablets, computers, have decent cameras already build in and always available.

Step 1:

Show them which button to press to take a photo, explain that holding the button will make a strip of photos (good for moving objects). Touch  darker areas to brighten them up and lighter ones to darken (adjusting exposure). Teach them how to securely hold the camera. Step 2:

Tell them to watch out for cutting the head or feet off if you wish to include the whole body. Position yourself or the object not too close or too far to the camera. It is also a good practise to slightly zoom in to prevent the wide angle feel.

Step 3:

Review the photos together and choose one that you like. You may edit the settings and show them how to adjust the exposure, highlights, tone, or the contrast to make the photo more vibrant or darker. That’s it! Don’t forget to have fun!

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